WEBinars on Demand

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Keyword: Webinar Threat Intelligence

"What is crowdsourced threat intelligence and how to benefit from a global open source community."

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: NIS2 Meets AI 

"NIS2 compliance made easier using unique PATECCO tools such as the Security OptimAIzer (webinar in German language)."

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Adaptive Access Control

"Live webinar with PATECCO as a highly specialized provider of integrated software and service solutions on user identities for companies in all industries."

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: PAM Live

"Top 3 things to prepare for the implementation of Privileged Access Management software". 

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Digital Workspace Compliance

"Digital workspace compliance through Managed Services for Privileged Access Management to prevent effectively insider threats and data loss".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Managed IAM Services

"Managed IAM Services for predictable budgets at a fixed price".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Open Source IAM

"Best practices for identity life cycle management with open source technologies".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Rational Cybersecurity 

"The multi-cloud security reference architecture models for clients customize".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Digital Customer Journeys

"Best practices for creating secure and effective customer journeys using CIAM".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Digital Channels

"Customer-facing digital identity software for more online business". 

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Customer-Enabled IDaaS

"How to get your digital service to market quickly with customer-enabled Identity-as-a-Service".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Secure Digitization

"ROI and compliance fit with protecting digital transformation initiatives".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Access

"5 coolest features every Access Management software should have".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: PAM

Privileged Access Management

"Your simplest way to control privileged access like a pro".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: PKI

"Digital Certificate Management that is in tune with the times".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Maximizing DWH Business Value

"Focus on business users: How to maximize the business value of your data while automating an existing technical architecture."

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: GenAI

"How to build your own GenAI-Based Knowledge Management System."

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Data Fabric Lakehouse Integration

"Share data at scale across the entire organization with Microsoft Data Fabric and Datavault Builder for data science and AI use cases".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

Keyword: Go-To-Market 

"Escape labs anywhere for tier 1 markets with real world customers everywhere".

Webinar on Demand, 1 hour at any time

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